ANNOUNCEMENT! Please read. Thanks :)

I am all worn out.

Publishing one blog post every two days, jumping from subject to subject, has drained me of both my knowledge and my motive. Back in "About this Blog," I called it a reasonable goal to publish one post every Monday. But if you haven't noticed, there is a time gap of over a month in my writings starting February 2nd, of 48 days. The reason being? I realized, with school plus life, I didn't have as much time to think about these other really important issues and break them down in an argument.

But thankfully, I got a two weeks break from school, which has become really like five weeks because of this COVID-19 business (look to God, world, this life is not the end). So I made up for all my lost time with 8 posts in 15 days. Granted, one was basically just quickly explaining a link to a school project, but still seven is a lot in that amount of time, at least for me.

Now my plan is to take a break. I needed to share my Christian thoughts with the world, and have successfully drained myself. I will be filling my time normally spent in front of the computer with new books and new information, in order for me to to write new arguments later. Maybe I will return to 1 blog post a week, but there is no way for me to tell.

But I will be checking my email every now and then. Feel free to ask any question you wish (just as long as it is respectful), and I will try to get back to you.

Thanks for reading. Bye.


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