
Showing posts from March, 2020

ANNOUNCEMENT! Please read. Thanks :)

I am all worn out. Publishing one blog post every two days, jumping from subject to subject, has drained me of both my knowledge and my motive. Back in " About this Blog ," I called it a reasonable goal to publish one post every Monday. But if you haven't noticed, there is a time gap of over a month in my writings starting February 2nd, of 48 days. The reason being? I realized, with school plus life, I didn't have as much time to think about these other really important issues and break them down in an argument. But thankfully, I got a two weeks break from school, which has become really like five weeks because of this COVID-19 business (look to God, world, this life is not the end). So I made up for all my lost time with 8 posts in 15 days . Granted, one was basically just quickly explaining a link to a school project, but still seven is a lot in that amount of time, at least for me. Now my plan is to take a break. I needed to share my Christian thoughts with t

Are Humans Just Biologically Advanced Animals?

Back on the twenty-second of this month, when I wrote " Is Religion a Curse? My Personal Thoughts on the Moral Implications of Jesus-God and No-God ," I suggested that I would title what is now this blog post "David Barash Makes Me Mad: Here Me Roar." My plan was for it to be satirical, because I don't believe people really do make others mad, they just do things which people choose to get mad at. But as you will know if you have been following my blog, I argue that evolution takes away free will, so technically, David Barash would have been made by his physical composition to do something which apparently causes my physical composition to make me feel angry, if his worldview is true. Or however determinism is supposed to work. I changed my mind because I think pointing out someone in a way which seems to belittle and condescend, even though you have to read that into the title (as reasonable as it is) and this is the intellectual business where if you attemp

School Assignment -- Podcast Transcript about Mark, Luke-Acts, and John

This google doc is an 8-page podcast transcript defending the historicity of Luke, Mark, and John. I put Luke-Acts in the title of this blog post because Luke and Acts are so closely related and similar to one another they can be referred to in such a way, and Acts's historicity is defended with some evidence, but mainly to only support the Gospels. Also, everything about the book of Mark comes from this early blog post I wrote about it , so there is nothing new. There are no formal citations, and a lot of evidence isn't cited at all. If that bothers you, just ask me about it in the comments below. Furthermore, my conclusion that the Gospels are completely accurate and trustworthy is arguably insufficiently proven by the evidence I offer. But that's okay with me because I am only trying to give strong evidence for certain Gospel claims, which make it more likely that they got other events correct. My conclusion is a faith statement, which can be further supported by ot

Bible Difficulties -- 4 Different Accounts of Empty Tomb Appearances

The Difficulty A piece of evidence for Jesus's tomb being empty on Easter Sunday often cited is how all the accounts differ from each other drastically, when one goes past the the primary details. Leading Christian apologist William Lane Craig explained to Lee Strobel that satisfies the historical-critical determination of an actual event. The thing is, though, Christians usually go past just believing in the Resurrection and believe that the Bible is the word of God, and therefore inerrant. God cannot contradict Himself, so therefore the Bible cannot contradict itself. I realize that, once one goes beyond considering the historical evidence of Christianity, they will probably have realized that the four Gospel accounts significantly differ. And, skeptics can use that as an argument. Prominent Christian apologist J.P. Moreland said, "It is difficult to harmonize the empty tomb and appearance narratives in the Gospels, though such a harmonization can be done." (1) He

Christianity and Women

Feminism. What is Feminism exactly? I'm pretty sure it is the belief that women should receive equal rights with those of a man. There may be other things associated with it, like pro-abortion ("a women should be able to control her own body," people claim), but I'm only going to focus here on what the Bible has to say about the equality of a women to that of a man. As I said in my last post, I don't know much about politics, at all. Apparently there is a Left and a Right (liberal or conservative), Donald Trump is the president (at least for a little while longer), and Feminism is a political movement somewhere somehow. Or something. Look, the most educated political opinion I have ever had is that Donald Trump should marry Hillary Clinton because they have similar hair colors, are similar ages, and argued a lot. Now you ask, why don't I bother? All joking aside (both of them are already married and so that would be adultery), it is because I believe as

Is Religion a Curse? My Personal Thoughts on the Moral Implications of Jesus-God and no God

Have you ever heard that argument? People should be anti-religious, because religion has caused violence throughout every century it has existed. Even Christianity, a religion supposedly big on love and the next life, has been the cause of horrors such as the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials, the Inquisition, exploitation by missionaries, and anti-Semitism(1). I haven't heard that argument in a long time, but have quite a bit to say about the subject. If you are an atheist, I must warn you that this post contains very provocative material for someone who denies God has anything to do with the human race. I mention rape, murder, and the Holocaust. But if you do continue reading, please don't stop at some displeasing subject and judge me. Read the whole thing. I'm not trying to be mean, not at all. I take evasive maneuvers to make sure of that (like right now). Comparing Christianity (Jesus-God) with Darwinism (no God) (Note: I know such a belief as "theistic evo