Welcome to One Christian Thought!

It doesn't matter what I believe. It only matters what I can prove.

It is 7:15 P.M. as I write this on New Year's eve, 2020. I have managed, it looks like, to meet my goal of completely finishing this blog, publishing everything I want on it, before New Year and school starts. This blog started in January, and I have exhausted my knowledge by now. Funny how God planned it that way.

I want to thank my three followers for deciding to be so, and everyone who has commented on this blog. Out of all the nine comments so far, 5 were from me, 4 responding to somebody. I haven't had much interaction on this blog at all. Considering how long things get, and lack of a good amount of interested people to share it with, that's not surprising. I have tried to keep some things short, like the handout argument for the resurrection, suggested reading plan of the big resurrection argument, and pointing out quick posts in titles, but really this blog took the form of me to get all my thoughts on a subject out. Now, I shall just turn to paying attention to comments if there are any.

Anyway, here is my blog with over ninety posts, One Christian Thought. Thank you for reading! The purpose of this blog is to provide evidence for the reality of Christianity and resurrection of Christ. A lot of young people can be troubled with doubts of Christianity, and aren't show evidence. I want to help remedy that. I also want to give a new perspective for atheists to consider.

Sometimes I feel like I hide behind my blog. I wasn't the best explainer for the first two years of high school, and haven't had nearly any practice at all explaining what's on this blog outside of it. I just haven't really gotten the chance. So, I have comments. That way, if someone wants to ask something, anyone can take the time to make sure they don't forget all that's said, and think of the best answer they can give.

Comments are welcome for anything appropriate, even up to just asking about Christianity in general. I might not have an answer, but if you want to post a comment about something unrelated about God, you can. No question is stupid. If you just want to learn more about a source, or ask something despite the fact that it might be in another post, go ahead. Also, partially because it might not get many readers, I didn't bother to spell check super thoroughly. Comments on misspelled words would be appreciated. :) 

But please remember to never put my name anywhere, if you know me. I'm trying to make this blog anonymous to the web.

I have thought, I don't know what's in the Bible, I just know it's true! This isn't true, as I have read my Bible and of course have had to for defending it. But I'm not as knowledgeable when it comes to knowing what the Bible teaches. Since this project is complete, I might do that when I start studying again. Or maybe I'll study over what I've already written and practice being able to carry on an intelligent conversation with it. Whatever, I'll probably add some link to another project on here sometime in the distant future.

I also should say that in this blog, if something is philosophical, like morality or consciousness, I don't argue for it, even citing non-Christian sources. If I should be able to understand it myself, I'll make sure that happens first. 

Speaking of non-Christian sources, a lot of my argument has information from non-believers. This isn't just other arguments to refute, but rather they can give evidence and support my philosophical beliefs. 

I am partial, so I try to be as impartial as I can. It's not worth it to me to get  just a bunch of Christian sources to prove something. I mean, I want to prove things to unbelievers, so I should be educated with their side. Specifically I want to mention Bart Ehrman, one of Christianity's greatest critics. He is mentioned in many posts, sometimes with good information for me, some things I have to debate. Many Christian students have been challenged by him, and I want to help.

Also, I believe two fundamental truths are at stake: free will and objective morality. Only God can give those. And if He did, how can we identify who God is? I became convinced God is necessary for intellectually justifying human life, rights, and love, and so I decided a long time ago that I will take any intellectual ground I can get over atheism. That's why I think of Jesus as the Light of Logic. It comes from John 1:1 nd 14:6, where Jesus is identified as the Source of reason, and John 8:12 and Psalm 27:1 where the Lord is called the light for humanity.

To help navigate through this blog, I have added labels in the sidebar. Also, you can type anything into the search box. You can just ignore the announcement that says "please read." As you might guess it is way out of date. Also, I wrote another introduction with some different information way back when this blog began, which you could read but definitely don't have to.

Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." I say along with God, as His servant, His words in Isaiah 1:18:

"Come, and let us reason together."


  1. I appreciate your dedication to this blog and have found your posts very interesting over the last year or so since I started following it. Thank you for all the work you've put in, and the thoughtfulness you give to each post. Its good to see you use your writing to glorify God!


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