If you looked at my last post, so far we're just passed the tip of the iceberg. I don't know if you found it convincing (I certainly do), but here we get into the major pieces of evidence that I explained in my introduction for this Blog Project. Prominent Christian apologist J.P. Moreland cited two colleagues, Paul Rhodes Eddy and Gregory A. Boyd, from whom most of my argument finds its source (if you wish, see the primitive post about Mark and Peter ). Moreland was explaining "The inclusion of self-damaging or embarrassing details," and tells us, "There are answers to these cases, but that is not the point. That these are even present significantly increases the credibility of the Gospels." (1) Let there be no mistake: this isn't an attack on the character of Jesus. Actually, following all the evidence to its conclusion would practically necessitate reasonable, Christian explanations. If that sounds self-defeating, you've skillfully used critical ...
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