School Assignment -- Podcast Transcript about Mark, Luke-Acts, and John

This google doc is an 8-page podcast transcript defending the historicity of Luke, Mark, and John. I put Luke-Acts in the title of this blog post because Luke and Acts are so closely related and similar to one another they can be referred to in such a way, and Acts's historicity is defended with some evidence, but mainly to only support the Gospels. Also, everything about the book of Mark comes from this early blog post I wrote about it, so there is nothing new.

There are no formal citations, and a lot of evidence isn't cited at all. If that bothers you, just ask me about it in the comments below. Furthermore, my conclusion that the Gospels are completely accurate and trustworthy is arguably insufficiently proven by the evidence I offer. But that's okay with me because I am only trying to give strong evidence for certain Gospel claims, which make it more likely that they got other events correct. My conclusion is a faith statement, which can be further supported by other research. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy!

Podcast Transcript about Mark, Luke-Acts, and John


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